Monday, April 28, 2008

More on Otematata Station Centennial


This is one of my favourite photos that I took-looking into the sheep pens. It reminds me of the hundreds of people who have worked in this shed over many years -just to the left of the first gate,was a little door that led into the main part of the shearing shed.Even though there have been many changes,the little door is still there.

I can just about smell those sheep!


These are the branding irons-that used to go on the sheeps back.

When Otematata Station was first taken up by the Rev.J.C.Parson Andrew in the late 1850's,he introduced the station brand-two crossed keys.These keys were said to be the symbol of the college at which he was educated in England.The story is that one key is the key to heaven-the other the key to hell!


These brands are for Aviemore Station.

Hugh Cameron took over Aviemore in 1891 and on his death in 1915
the property went to members of his family.Aviemore was run as a seperate account but the two places are run from Otematata Station.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cameron Family - 100 years at Otematata Station


I can't explain how excited I was to receive an invitation to celebrate 100 Years of the Cameron Family at Otematata Station. It was a highlight of my life!

The organizing was so well done that I feel I must mention it. Thank you Hugh, Mandy and family for all that hard work you put in. To Mary - thank you for the records that you worked so hard on.


Just a small thing - but so well done: Every name badge had a piece of Cameron tartan across the bottom of it.


Driving up to the Station, the first thing we saw was a display of vehicles used. I must admit to a tear in my eye when I saw what was known as Jimmy Lou's truck (mentioned previously). Behind this truck you can see the marquee where you collected your name badge and there was a display of photos, records, diaries, fleeces and old gear. I was delighted to see a photo of myself (which I'd never seen before) with my old pony Billy Boy. I will print this at a later date.


Hugh's helicopter - no doubt a great asset on Otematata Station


Display of Merino Rams


Entrance to the woolroom - a beautiful floral arrangment done by Mandy and a display of the stencils used on the wool bales.

After meeting lots of people, looking over the old house, and a cup of tea we went back to the hotel to get changed for the evening function.

Well thats all for now-there is lots more to follow.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Autumn is in the air - my Dad and Otematata Station memories


Over the last few days I have been sorting through numerous papers, cards and photos.

Jim Lousley (my Dad) spent most of his life in Kurow and on Otematata Station. The above photo shows him out mustering with his horse Laddie. I have no idea when the photo was taken but it would be before 1969.


This is the International truck that Dad used to drive to take the wool through to the wool scour in Timaru. When it was new it was the greatest truck on the road. Now it looks like a Tonka toy!! For the "Celebrating 100 yrs. of the Cameron Family at Otematata Station 1908~2008" the truck was painted and sign written.

One of the old musterers was out on his morning walk in Kurow when he saw the truck getting painted at Haka Motors - he went rushing in and said "What are you doing to Jimmy Lou's (pronounced Lal) truck?"

Another old musterer was over heard saying "Well they may have painted the truck-but they wont have painted the dash board where Lou used to stub out his cigarettes!"

Dad spent the last 18 years of his life in Hanmer Springs-he was quiet, loved a joke, reading, rugby racing and a gin or a beer.

This following verse I found amongst my Mothers things, I had copied it out and asked my brother Malcolm to read it at Dad's funeral which he did.

I love the clean brown tussock

And the hills where the cool winds blow

It is my prayer

I may still be there

When the Lord calls "Wayleggo"

[The shepherd's command to a dog who has completed the job: Away here, Let go]

From New Zealand Farm and Station Verse.